JavaScript for Beginners

About the program

This course covers the basics of JavaScript, including how to add interactivity to web pages, manipulate the DOM, and work with APIs. It’s ideal for anyone looking to start a career in web development or enhance their skills in building dynamic, interactive websites.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer literacy.
  • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with Microsoft Office installed.
  • A willingness to learn and apply new skills in a practical setting.

Course Outline

Introduction to JavaScript and Basic Syntax

Overview of JavaScript and its role in web development. Setting up your development environment (code editor, browser)

Variables, Data Types, and Operators

Understanding variables and constants in JavaScript. Working with different data types (strings, numbers, booleans, etc.)

Control Structures and Functions

Implementing conditional statements (if, else, switch). Creating loops (for, while, do-while)

Working with the DOM (Document Object Model)

Understanding the DOM and how it represents HTML in JavaScript. Selecting and manipulating HTML elements using JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript Objects and Arrays

Creating and working with objects and arrays. Understanding object-oriented programming basics in JavaScript

Final Project

Building a simple interactive web application (e.g., a to-do list, calculator). Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


12 Weeks


High quality tech education at an affordable cost




If you choose this plan, you will pay the same amount in tuition every month.


Best Choice



If you pay in full when you resume, you get E1320 off the tuition fee.

Career Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will have a strong foundation in JavaScript, enabling them to create dynamic and interactive web pages. These skills are crucial for front-end web development and can lead to entry-level positions such as junior web developer, front-end developer, or roles in web design and development. The course also prepares students to advance to more complex JavaScript frameworks and libraries, like React or Angular.