Full Stack Web Developer

About the program

The Full Stack Web Developer course at Eswatini Tech Academy is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end web development.

Over the span of three months, you’ll learn to build dynamic and responsive websites using essential technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and SQL. The course also covers popular platforms like WordPress and Framer, ensuring you have the skills to create professional-grade web applications

Admission Requirements

Educational Background:
  • You don’t need to have a certificate to apply for this diploma program. We expect anyone to take the program.
Language Proficiency:
  • The course is conducted in English, so applicants must have a basic understanding of the English language to effectively engage with the curriculum and participate in discussions.
  • All applicants will be required to take an assessment. However, we would provide you with a study kit to prepare you for the assessment.

Course Outline

Front-End and Back-End Development

Become proficient in server-side development using popular technologies like HTML, PHP, Node.js and Express.js.

Implement APIs

Learn how to integrate and utilize APIs to enhance functionality.

Master Databases

Master database integration and management to handle data efficiently in your web applications.

Deploying Applications to Various Hosting Platforms

Learn the process of deploying your applications to different hosting environments.

Acquire Insights into Industry Best Practices by Designing Your Projects

Acquire insights into industry best practices, code standards, and collaboration methods for efficient teamwork.

Interview Preparation

Get ready for job interviews with tips and practice sessions to boost your confidence and performance.


20 weeks



High quality tech education at an affordable cost




If you choose this plan, you will pay the same amount in tuition every month.


Best Choice



If you pay in full when you resume, you get E1320 off the tuition fee.

Career Outcome

Prepare to become a Full Stack Engineer

  • Demonstrate your proficiency in portfolio-ready projects.
  • Earn your Certificate of Completion.
  • Qualify for in-demand job roles as a Full Stack Engineer.