HTML and CSS for Beginners

About the program

This course covers the essential concepts of HTML for structuring web content and CSS for styling and layout. By the end of the program, students will be able to create basic web pages with responsive design features.

Admission Requirements

  • No prior experience in web development is required.
  • A basic understanding of using a computer and the internet.
  • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection.

Course Outline

Introduction to HTML

Understanding the structure of an HTML document. Basic HTML tags (headings, paragraphs, links, images)

Styling with CSS

Introduction to CSS (syntax, selectors, properties). Applying colors, fonts, and backgrounds

Building a Simple Web Page

Combining HTML and CSS to create a basic webpage. Using external CSS for better project management

Responsive Web Design

Introduction to media queries. Ensuring your webpage works on different screen sizes

Advanced HTML and CSS Concepts

Forms and input elements. Semantic HTML for better accessibility and SEO

Final Project

Designing and developing a simple multi-page website. Implementing responsive design and accessibility features


12 Weeks


High-quality tech education at an affordable cost




If you choose this plan, you will pay the same amount in tuition every month.


Best Choice



If you pay in full when you resume, you get E350 off the tuition fee.

Career Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will have the foundational skills necessary to build and style web pages. They will be equipped to pursue further education in web development or start creating their websites. Graduates may continue to more advanced web development courses or begin freelancing as junior web developers.