Code of Conduct

Respect and Professionalism

  • Students must treat fellow students, instructors, and staff with respect and professionalism at all times. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Students are expected to attend all classes and sessions on time. Absences must be communicated to the instructor in advance, and repeated unexcused absences may lead to disciplinary action.

Academic Integrity

  • Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to submit original work and properly attribute sources when necessary.

Academic Expectations

Course Participation

  • Active participation in all classes, workshops, and group projects is mandatory. Students are encouraged to engage in discussions, ask questions, and collaborate with peers.

Assignment Submission

  • All assignments must be submitted by the specified deadlines. Late submissions may incur penalties unless previously arranged with the instructor.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Students will be assessed through quizzes, assignments, projects, and exams. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the course, and students must achieve a minimum passing grade to receive their certification.

Learning Environment

Physical Classes

  • Students attending physical classes are responsible for maintaining a clean and conducive learning environment. Any damage to academy property will be the student’s responsibility.

Online Learning

  • Students enrolled in online or hybrid courses must ensure they have a stable internet connection and necessary equipment. Online sessions should be attended in a quiet space, free from distractions.


  • Official communication will be conducted through the academy’s designated channels, such as email or the student portal. Students are expected to check these channels regularly.

Support and Resources

  • Students will have access to various learning resources, including libraries, online materials, and software tools. Misuse of these resources is prohibited.

Student Support

  • The academy provides support services, including academic counseling, career guidance, and technical assistance. Students are encouraged to seek help whenever needed.

Mentorship Program

  • Eligible students may be paired with mentors from Coprode Studios or industry professionals. Participation in the mentorship program is voluntary but highly encouraged.

Disciplinary Actions

Violations of Policy

  • Violations of any of the above policies may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense.

Appeals Process

  • Students have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the academy administration within seven days of the decision.


Completion Requirements

  • To graduate and receive certification, students must successfully complete all course requirements, including assessments, projects, and any internship or practical components.

Certification Ceremony

  • Graduates will be invited to a certification ceremony, where they will receive their certificates. Participation in the ceremony is optional.

Amendments to the Policy

Policy Review

  • The academy reserves the right to review and amend this policy as necessary. Any changes will be communicated to students in a timely manner.


Student Agreement

By enrolling in Eswatini Tech Academy, students acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the policies outlined in this document.