Python for Beginners

About the program

This course introduces the core concepts of programming and guides students through the basics of Python, equipping them with the foundational skills needed to start their coding journey.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer literacy.
  • No prior programming experience is required.
  • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection.

Course Outline

Introduction to Python and Programming Concepts

Understanding programming fundamentals (variables, data types, operators). Setting up the Python environment

Control Structures

Working with conditional statements (if, else, elif). Looping structures (for and while loops)

Data Structures in Python

Introduction to lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Manipulating data structures for various tasks

Working with Modules and Libraries

Importing and using Python libraries. Overview of popular Python libraries (math, datetime, random)

File Handling and Exception Handling

Reading from and writing to files. Understanding and managing file paths

Final Project

Developing a simple Python application from scratch.Implementing all learned concepts (loops, functions, data structures, file handling)


12 Weeks


High-quality tech education at an affordable cost




If you choose this plan, you will pay the same amount in tuition every month.


Best Choice



If you pay in full when you resume, you get E1320 off the tuition fee.

Career Outcome

Upon completing this course, students will have a solid understanding of Python and basic programming concepts. They will be prepared to tackle more advanced Python topics or pursue careers in various fields that require coding skills. Potential career paths include junior software developer, data analyst, or roles in automation and scripting. This course also lays the groundwork for further studies in web development, data science, and other tech-related fields.