About the program

The course covers both server-side scripting using PHP and database management with SQL. Students will learn how to integrate PHP with MySQL databases, process user inputs, manage sessions, and implement security measures to protect web applications. By the end of the course, students will be able to build and deploy fully functional web applications that interact with a database.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer literacy.
  • No prior programming experience is required.
  • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with the ability to install Java Development Kit (JDK) and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

Course Outline

Introduction to Web Development & PHP

Setting up a PHP development environment (XAMPP, WAMP, etc.)Basic PHP syntax, variables, and data types.

Working with Forms and User Input

Creating HTML forms for user input. Validating and sanitizing user input.

Introduction to SQL and MySQL

Introduction to databases and SQL. Basic SQL queries: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.

PHP & MySQL Integration

Connecting PHP to a MySQL database. Fetching and displaying data from MySQL using PHP.

Advanced PHP Techniques

Working with sessions and cookies. Implementing user authentication and authorization.

Security & Deployment

Introduction to web application security. Secure password storage and encryption techniques.


16 Weeks


High-quality tech education at an affordable cost




If you choose this plan, you will pay the same amount in tuition every month.


Best Choice



If you pay in full when you resume, you get E1320 off the tuition fee.

Career Outcome

By the end of the PHP & SQL Programming course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of PHP syntax and functions, enabling them to write scripts that handle tasks such as processing form data, managing files, and controlling program flow.